excuses for not attending a wedding


Here are some of the best excuses for not attending a wedding:

  • - You're sick. This classic excuse always works. Who would want to risk getting sick at a wedding?

  • - You have a work commitment. If you have an important meeting or business trip planned on the wedding day, you can use this excuse. 

  • - You have another event to attend. If you have another wedding, birthday, or party you must attend on the same day, you can use this excuse.

  • - You can't afford it. If you're broke, you can use this excuse. Just be sure to mention how sorry you are that you can't make it due to lack of funds.

  • - You don't know anyone there. If you don't know anyone at the wedding, you can use this excuse. You can say you'd feel uncomfortable attending an event where you don't know anyone.

If using one of these excuses, be sure to sound convincing. You don't want the couple to think you're just trying to get out of it. 

You could also use a more creative excuse, like:

  • - You have to save the world. 
  • - You were abducted by aliens.
  • - You're participating in a reality TV show.

Of course these excuses are a bit far-fetched, but they could work if you say them convincingly. 

Whatever excuse you choose, be sure to convey it politely and sincerely. The couple will appreciate you taking the time to explain why you can't make it.

And if you really don't want to go, you can always politely decline the invitation without giving an excuse. The couple may be disappointed, but they'll understand your decision. Just remember that attending a wedding is a choice - if you don't want to go, you don't have to.


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